
By feorlean

Here I go again...

I once saw some analysis of terms that people use in their Blipfoto journal, and mine was heavy on weather words.

I suppose that is for two reasons.   

 Firstly as I live in the countryside I notice the changes in weather - and particularly bouts of extreme weather -  because I am more affected by them .  For  during the years I was travelling by ferry every week or more,  the state of the wind meant that sometimes I just couldn't meet the commitments I had made.

Secondly I have been fascinated by weather  for a long time and   maintain a small weather station, which I have upgraded over the years.

I haven't however kept a daily journal as I wasn't here every day, but now I am begining to do so , or at least a journal of monthly totals and by any count this August has been one of the wettest months we have  ever had here in this part in Argyll.   As you can see with three days left the rainfall total is over 400 mm , which is a very high total .  It is higher than  last December which was in itself one of the wettest months on record in this part of Scotland.  

The overall summer total (that is for June, July and August) is also very high and  I noticed this morning  a BBC news item about that total for other places  in the North and  West of Scotland.  

I am writing this in the late afternoon and it is raining again.   However the forecast is for better weather for the weekend, which will at least help with getting the grass cut , a task that has been made very difficult in recent weeks.   That difficulty pails into insignificance however compared to the problems now faced by farmers , crofters and others who work in  the outdoors and are weather dependent.   The ground - as one of the collage pictures shows - is waterlogged with puddles and overflows everywhere. 

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