
By mambo

A Rose by any Other Name

Elaine is coming tomorrow for a few days so l needed salad bits and some oats so did a quick shop.
Saw these roses for sale, no name they were just labelled red yellow or pink.
Resisted the temptation to buy.

Had my washing in and out all day but it’s now practically dry and forecast is good for the next few days and September looks favourable.

Ruby called round for a cuppa before she goes off to live in Manchester for the academic year. She starts her Masters in Contemporary Dance on the 9th.
But before then she is flying to Paris for a few days then dancing in London on the 8th so she needs to catch  the 6am train back to Manchester to start her first day. 

In other news Verity my middle granddaughter has been offered a place at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds later in September so that will just leave Kitty at Northern Ballet in Leeds at the Centre for Advanced Training.
All change for my girls.

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