
By Hillyblips

Oh Deer

One of my roe deers walking past the camera but not in the light which was unfortunate as it was the only thing that did walk past.

A day on the computer trying to sort the mess that is BA after they rejected my application for compensation for the South Africa debacle. Have they got morons reading the scenario? I'm in contact with people on the same flights who have managed along with Hubs to get what is due or partially due as we had many expenses such as accommodation, taxis, airport car parking, kennels, and food.The compensation I put in for doesn't even come close to what we had to spend. To top it the envelope with all the receipts is missing!  I've been Trailfinders best friend over the last days.

John Lewis Tech Support were supposed to ring yesterday (or any time frankly) and give either of us an update on my monitor now 11 weeks in after going in there personally on Saturday. Has it happened? NO. To be honest I thought it wouldn't.


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