Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Field Bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis

My gardener/handyman came this morning to help me with some gardening jobs. We worked for two hours until 1000 hours cutting back some bushes and shrubs. I am sure they have not been done at the correct time and in the correct way, but they look fine to me. After we had finished gardening, Oliver devoured a full English breakfast whilst chatting to Mr A and then Oliver went home. He is coming early again tomorrow and I think we will do some tidying at the front of our house.

Then I went to the Pharmacy to get yet more medicine for Mr A and took my camera in the hope that there might be a butterfly along the lane. None were to be seen so instead today's blip is Field Bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis, it is very similar to white Bindweed or Bellbind, which has white flowers and is a stronger stemmed plant.

Another very hot day with temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius.

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