
By 1bluebell

Pow Wow

It's is very cold wet and windy today and so this morning I wondered what I was going to do for a blip .
It was meet and greet at Grade 1 today and I tagged along. Her teacher is very nice and Abi is now excited to start school.
Them Matt dropped Christie off at the library to do some printing and there was a First Nation talk going on by a knowledge keeper. The lady was explaining about pow wows and how they started and then introduced some of the dances from the powwows which can be a 3 day affair.
One of the e dresses is covered in small cone shapes and this is called a healing dress and dance. The story goes that one night an Indian chief had a dream where he was told to make this dress and put it on his daughter who was very ill and do a dance and she would be healed. He did this and for the first dance she had to be carried to the dance floor. On the second dance she was able to walk there. On the third dance she was able to move more and by the fourth dance was able to dance and was healed.
It was very interesting so from wondering what to blip here is the First Nation dancers

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