I Witness

By KangaZu

Tiny Tuesday ...

... Wood.

With the Tiny Tuesday theme of "wood" today I couldn't help myself and put out one of my tiny wood blocks.  I scattered some peanuts around it and didn't have long to wait for a chipmunk to appear.  They are just too cute to resist.  I actually had something else planned for today but when I saw this picture I simply had to blip him.  Thanks to Mary for hosting Tiny Tuesday all this month.  Sorry I'm a day late in posting. 

Since we had to run out this afternoon to do some errands we worked a walk in at the same time.  We decided to check out a different park today which was close by to our errands.  The Palmer Bike trail runs through it and since we have walked another part of this trail several times we thought we would check it out. 

From there we drove the short distance to the Waterfowl Observation area to see if there were any wood ducks.  And there were.  I've added into Extras a photo of a beautiful male wood duck ... which I almost considered posting as my main.  

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