
By AnneILM60

The Cheesecake Factory

This morning it was up early and out the door early as we were on our way to Raleigh Neurology for my MS 6 month check up.

All went well with the check up and as always, Casey took her time and didn’t rush the appointment at all. I’m still in a good place and the new medication for neuropathy pain is working well so we are leaving things as is.

It was confirmed by their scales that I did indeed lose close to 30 lbs the month I was in Westray. Think I must have sweated it off because I ate my fair share of wine gums and also the Irn Bru candy Lisa bought

After my appointment, we stopped at The Cheesecake Factory and had Bang Bang Chicken & Shrimp for lunch.

Aunt Linda was telling me how she and B-L were really good the last time they went to The Cheesecake Factory, and they didn’t have any dessert. Well we didn’t either! We just brought home some for tomorrow and the day after!!

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