Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Karma Is The Thunder

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

So today was supposed to be Taylor Swift on the wall with pizza night here in Paraparaumu.

You may remember that it was supposed to be Taylor Swift on the wall with pizza night back in April but Briar was sick.

This time, however, the FOBS were all ready. 

"I might leave at seven," said Fazzy. She is not a Swiftie.

Olivia was also dubious. "All of her songs sound the saaaaame," she said. And then she texted me to ask Caro how to handle Taylor Swift on the wall with pizza night.

"F*ck off to Tauranga, that's what I'll be doing," advised Caro (unhelpfully). 

Nevertheless, Olivia was looking forward to the evening itself. Briar had brought beads for friendship bracelets. We were going to chat and have fun. Taylor would be incidental to the proceedings. 

I did listen to some more of her songs in anticipation. Olivia was APPALLED. "I'm actually finding that she's growing on me," I said as Olivia made a face.

"I'm going to blame BRIAR'S PLAYLIST," I said, conspiratorially. "If you listen to the Eras playlist, there are some good ones on there."

It is true. I would still not describe myself as a Swiftie, but I told Olivia that one song* reminded me of "With Or Without You". 

"I can hear it," said Olivia.

"We should tell Bono," I replied. 

So Fazzy's reluctance aside, plans were made. The evening was set. I made Taylor Swift Eras Tour bingo cards which included things like "Ostentatious Hair Flick", "Mossy Piano" and "Polish That Glass".

But then Briar's cat Smoosh got sick. Smoosh had not eaten or drunk anything for two days. It sounded really bad.

Briar seemed very upset about it, which I understand completely**. So I asked Fazzy and Olivia what they wanted to do. The weather all week has been horrible, so Fazzy dropped out. Olivia was upset. She had WANTED a friendship bracelet, dammit.

"I also bought Sour Squirms,"*** I told her. 

Then she was REALLY upset. 

So I have rescheduled Taylor Swift on the wall with pizza night for two weeks hence. This means Caro will be here. I told her I was cashing in my Wedding Singer Night chips. 

"Not the week I'm back though??" she asked.

"I know better than that," I replied.

But Fazzy had a point. The weather was getting steadily worse. By the evening it was thunder and lightning and I started to worry about Crashy and DG. They were nowhere to be seen. But at 6:30 I checked the spare room again and Crashy was in there soaked, so I dried him off. 

I decided to make a change from the regular routine and spend the evening in there with him. He seemed grateful. I don't think he liked the loud noises. Jasper and Punky are old fellows who are not as fazed by it. 

So Crashy and I spent the evening together. I watched "Longlegs" which is a very very very creepy film that warrants thunder as an accompaniment. 

DG appeared mid-way through. Also soaked. Also dried. It was a nice way to spend an atmospheric evening. Plus, I had those Sour Squirms.

Later, I got the message that Smoosh was feeling better. The vet thought it had been a stomach bug, and she was now eating and drinking again. Briar seemed happier. 

And who knows? Maybe in two weeks Olivia will have discovered her inner Swiftie. I have less hope for Caro though.


* "All Too Well" (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version).
** As would Taylor.
*** They are like gummy worms but covered in sour sugar. They are the best. 

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