Supermarket Roses
I resorted to an emergency blip. I worked on my rose beds today, weeding and deadheading mostly. I was happy to see lots of new rose buds so they will go on for some time to come. The lilies, however, are just about finished and need to be tidied and cut back.
I took some cuttings of a gorgeous abutilon given to me two years ago by a local gardener. Abutilons grow to about 15 ft in her historic walled garden but I wasn’t expecting much success with mine and plonked it in a nursery bed until I found the right place for it. It reached about 6 ft last year and, despite being severely pruned, it flowered beautifully for about 8 weeks and grew to 6 ft again this year. I’ve moved it into a better place now and have fingers crossed that it will survive and that the cuttings will take. Fingers crossed.
These supermarket flowers are survivors of a much larger bouquet in a much larger vase but still blipworthy.
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