
By KathyH58


Bribery seems to work really well to get work done, lol. I told the crew that we had 10 yards of mulch to spread, then we would have a pool party. We also did things a little differently today. A stayed at the mulch pile, helping to fill the wheelbarrows and So helped spread the mulch with me. Two hours later we were all done. We did have some weeding to get done at another place, so we spent a couple of hours there, then came back to where we spread the mulch for the pool party.

I don't often let anyone take my photo but did give my camera to Br to take a photo of Ma, myself and So. Yes, Ma is over 6 feet tall, she is still like a gangly teenager, growing into her body.

I went to a meeting tonight with the travel social group, we are planning a weekend in Cape Breton in early October so this was the first planning meeting for it. I already paid my deposit. Five more people decided to go as a result of tonight's meeting. He has 10 double rooms reserved for the group, so there could be 20 people going. I think 9 people have sent their deposit already, plus the 5 more tonight. It will be a fun weekend away.

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