
By dreaming


A short while ago I heard a loud thud from the hall which sounded as if someone had fallen.  So I hastened to the door and out into the hall, where my neighbor across the hall was indeed laid out on the floor.  At that point I felt how ridiculous it was that I hadn't stopped to get my walker, so that I was now at risk of falling myself and certainly couldn't help him up.  Fortunately he was able, bit by bit, to get himself up, while I stood there encouraging him.  It was a reminder to me that I shouldn't be outside the apartment without my walker, regardless of the reason.

Dialysis was as usual and I was glad to get home.  Tomorrow they will be testing the fire alarms here all day, so I need to get out early.  I'm planning to take some dark laundry that needs a cold wash and to be hung to dry to Lex's house, where she has a big washing machine and space to hang things.

This planter is on the seventh floor balcony outside the Wicker Room.  The sun was glaring to my right as I took this photo, so the colors are a bit muted.

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