Living my dream

By Mima

Chit Blip

It is the day to get the seed potatoes out of their sack to chit prior to planting them in a month's time.

They are all Pink Fir-Apple potatoes: a French heritage variety. I like their flavour and texture, not to mention the heavy crop I get from each tuber.

Rather than lift and store them in autumn I leave them in the ground through winter until I want to eat them. While the few potatoes at the surface do get frosted, the vast majority are perfect when dug up, tasting just as good as those I lift in autumn.

16 seed potatoes are more than enough. I eat them occasionally rather than every day. I savour them all the more for that.

I have several cheeses ready at once. I cut into a Farmhouse Blue and a Caerphilly today. There is also a Gouda and a Vacherin Fribourgois on the cheese board. All are delicious, but the Blue gets the Mima gold star.

Once again my day revolves around food...

By the way, my apologies for the confusion I caused yesterday referring to my 'new cabin'. This is the name that I give my bedroom cabin, because it was constructed in 2019. At some point in 2026/27 its newness will be usurped by the next cabin to be constructed; to accommodate the new kitchen, dining room and bathroom. 

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