
By tridral

Diwedd gwyliau

Diwedd gwyliau ~ End of a holiday

“It is not impermanence that makes us suffer. What makes us suffer is wanting things to be permanent when they are not”
― Thich Nhat Hanh

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Mae Sam a Zoe wedi dod yn ôl o’u gwyliau yn Ffrainc. Cyn bo hir bydd hi'n amser mynd yn ôl i'r ysgol. Felly heddiw oedd ein diwrnod olaf gyda'n gilydd ar gyfer y gwyliau.

Treulion ni ddiwrnod hyfryd a syml gyda'n gilydd. Chwaraeodd y plant yn yr ardd, a dangosodd Nor'dzin iddyn nhw sut i botio planhigion Betsan brysur (Busy Lizzie). Gwnaeth y plant yn pigo (a bwyta) afalau a berwr dwr o'r ardd. Cawson i ein cinio arferol - ffa ar dost (ar y patio heddiw), a dwedodd Sam cymaint yr oedd yn hoffi fy mara (roeddwn i'n hapus iawn gyda'r ganmoliaeth).

Yn y prynhawn hwyr aethon ni â phlant adre ar ein beiciau. Wel bron. Aethon ni â nhw cyn belled Parc y Rhath. Gwnaeth eu rhieni cynnig cwrdd â ni yna ac yn arbed ni'r gweddill y daith. Roedden ni'n ddiolchgar iawn. Cawson ni hufen iâ tra roedden ni aros.

Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod da iawn a byddan ni'n eu gweld eto yfory am barti pen-blwydd Richard.

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Sam and Zoe have come back from their holiday in France. Soon it will be time to go back to school. So today was our last day together for the holidays.

We spent a lovely and simple day together. The children played in the garden, and Nor'dzin showed them how to pot Busy Lizzie plants. The children picked (and ate) apples and watercress from the garden. We had our usual lunch - beans on toast (on the patio today), and Sam said how much he liked my bread (I was very happy with the compliment).

In the late afternoon we took the children home on our bikes. Well almost. We took them as far as Roath Park. Their parents offered to meet us there and save us the rest of the journey. We were very grateful. We had ice cream while we waited.

It was a very good day and we will see them again tomorrow for Richard's birthday party.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bwyta hufen iâ yn y parc
Description (English): Eating ice cream in the park
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