Look Out

By chrisf

Door. Or Window. Or Neither.

Quite a long day today. I travelled over to Bransgore to visit friends. And another friend also arrived. We have known each other since we were 11 years old, starting life at the “big school”. We last met 5 or 6 years ago, and although we live very different lives and are very different people, we readily pick up on our friendship when we meet.

So it was a day of conversation in my friends garden, a lunchtime pint in a local pub, an afternoon walk, an evening meal in another pub (no alcohol Guinness is remarkably like the real thing), and then for me a long drive back to my accommodation across the Forest, which is a decidedly spooky experience.,

The image is my first shot of the day. My accommodation is a converted barn in the village of Exbury. The village was moved in the early part of the last century by Lionel de Rothschild as part of his creation of Exbury Gardens, and the “new” village was all constructed of the same locally made yellow brick. Behind this door -or is it a window - lies my en suite bathroom, although its existence isn’t evident from the other side.

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