
By HF1

First Views of Amsterdam

Awoke feeling very under par in London and wondered if I’d actually make it to Amsterdam but felt slightly more human after paracetamols and breakfast !
We caught the underground to St. Pancras International where I was astonished to find the waiting area for Eurostar heaving with people !!
Eventually, after going through Border Control, we caught the train to Brussels where we had a very speedy rush to board the train for Amsterdam . Eurostar was fine although not quite as comfortable as I imagined it !
Arriving at Amsterdam just before 6:0 pm we had a dash for the IAmsterdam store to purchase our cards which allowed access to transport and museums at a reduced cost .
Time for a coffee before we caught a tram to a square near our hotel . Quite an experience ! We were surprised at the amount of litter as we walked to the hotel . We were told that we’d been ‘upgraded ‘ to a room with a doubled bed which you could walk round !!! Hmm ! Well it was a ‘budget’ hotel ! :)

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