A Daily Dose

By suejay50


from the bouquet that son in Spain sent for my birthday.....No idea why they are, but I used my little fish eye lens today - don't use it a lot but it is such fun when I do!  Turned it b&w as there is still 'clutter' in the background from the various bd cards.  They'll come down when the bouquets finally finish.
It is so hot in Zaragoza, where they live, that he has decamped the family to the coast for the weekend. Says he just can not sleep in the house at the moment it is so hot! He will have to invest in some air conditioning for next summer methinks - they have solar panels so maybe they will be self sufficient in keeping them running!
Been for a swim and had coffee with the ladies as usual.
Now home getting dinner for the grands - should be a fun evening.....

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