
By suehutton

The Flower Lady's Well

I finally got to the market today with Len and Basil. I've been skipping quite a few Fridays. The first thing I noticed was that Mr Hall the greengrocer was missing. Apparently his wife had insisted that they go on holiday. The sweetie seller had moved his tent to cover most of the space.

I bought salmon at the fish stall instead of the usual bream. I fancied a change. Mind you, salmon fillets are twice the price of a whole bream. It's the labour involved in filleting that makes the difference.

Then to Twiggs the butcher. I bought more than enough meat to last all next week. And Mrs Twigg gave me a scrap of cold turkey to give to Basil who had impressed her with waiting patiently outside.

Some nice Colston Bassett Blue from Marie at Nibbles n Cheese.

While Len walked to The Urban Farmshop to stock up on greengrocery, Basil and I nipped into the Flower Lady's courtyard as I'd seen that she had a well there. I should have asked whether she uses the well water for her flowers. At any rate, it's a legacy of Shepshed's history. As you can see from the photo, it's a solid construction of local stone.

The lilac colour is due to it being a multi exposure in camera with white balance being changed between shots.

The Flower Lady has installed a coffee bar! Len and I enjoyed a lovely latte each in decent size mugs. Blow you Finkins for not making Basil welcome.

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