I Witness

By KangaZu

Abstract Thursday ...

... colorful (drive-by).

I was up a little earlier than usual today as I had an appointment first thing this morning with a hand specialist.  I've been having trouble with my right index finger locking up on me for a little while now and finally made an appointment to see someone about it.  And he confirmed my own diagnosis ... trigger finger!  There are two ways to correct this issue.  One of which I can't do because of my diabetes.  The other way is surgery ... which I've opted for.  It is a simple surgery that can either be done with local anesthetic or general.  I'm going with the local! Easy peasy!

Later in the day we ordered from our favorite Smokehouse and had a picnic supper at Graver Arboretum.  Followed by a wonderful walk.

On the way home I was shooting whatever colorful objects we drove by!  Including these lovely flowers.  I had set the camera on a very lowe shutter speed in order to get movement.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday each week.

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