Happy Moments

By ApolloFly

Mystery Moors Tour

Ever since we moved here at the end of last year, Kev, our neighbour gives suggestions for places to visit, or asks "have you been to xxx yet".
So last weekend, when he mentioned somewhere, I half jokingly said he needed to actually take us to some of these places.
He and his wife Jean often go out for a drive, so he suggested a moors tour today.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
My main blip is of the church crypt at Lastingham. I’ve loaded several others as extras if you want a quick look. What a star he is. Born and bred here, and for a good number of years was part of the mountain rescue team for these parts, so he is really very familiar with the area.

We had a running commentary all the way round and lots of stories about his calls for mountain rescue volunteering.

Many of the places we will return to another day, but the weather was just perfect, the company good and the scenery was just amazing. We’re so grateful to them both.

Tagged the ones I can remember as places visited!

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