A day in the life

By Shelling


Not only counting down to the start of the concert in about half and hour, but also it's the next to last booked gig in my calendar. The last one is in a month. I'm not either particularly worried or surprised, I am over 70 and the younger ones has to take their place but I know that there will be more opportunities to play, just not as much as before. As long as I'm healthy and able, I will find ways to play for people, I know that what I do is needed in old peoples homes or in church for instance and even if it's low pay, I know I'll do it anyway because I know how much it means to people.

This was a "free" gig, all money went to support a children's home in Uganda, my friend Eva opened her warehouse, where we've played before, organised food, wine and snacks and music entertainment during the evening. The music was me, together with my friend Bengt who sang parts of our Evert Taube performance, and Eva and me, where we did a short version of our Beatles performance. It all went very well, 52 people came and claimed they'd had a good time and spent some money for the cause.

When I got home, I sat outside for a while with a G&T to watch the night sky. I'm lucky to live where I don't get too much light-pollution, so the starry sky is spectacular. I love these september evenings where agreeable temperatures are warm enough to allow sitting outside without being cold.

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