Wistful Lexi
Or something like it. Lexi and Alfie have both been featuring a fair amount recently, and I think Alfie is probably ahead of Lexi by a few blips, so here she is.
Today was a day for sitting outside on the back green which I haven't done for a while - because it really hasn't been sitting-outside weather - so it was lovely to spend the afternoon out there where I caught up with B&T and also met a new neighbour. The neighbour isn't new to the building, she's been living here for a year, I just haven't met her before. She lives in one of the main door flats rather than the stair where I live, so it's a slightly different situation, but even so. I guess that's what Edinburgh is like - you can live feet away from a lot of people but not set eyes on them for months - or a year. But I have to say that that suits me in some ways as I would hate to live in a place where everybody knew your business.
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