
By Ingleman

Such A Perfect Day

I woke early today, at six o'clock I was up and out with Hollie, such a beautiful morning. Warm, sunny and a distinct autumnal feel to the day.

I then had to attend to some personal medical matters which took quite a while, and then I was out again delivering the monthly parish newsletters. A voluntary role that I took over at the end of last year. It takes about an hour to deliver to each house in the village but on such a day it is a pleasure, not a chore.

Then I went with Mrs I to Telford, initially to shop at Aldi and B&M. Then on to Ketley to visit a friend who had some shiny bits for the Jag.  

These are shown in my other journal (Inglemantwo)

I was offered these bits at the last show at Whittington Castle but was unable to collect them till today.

Then home for tea and an evening of TV.   We watched some athletics, cricket highlights and the final episode of Vienna Blood. Oh, it is so good!

I hope they make another series, I feel lost without it!

Very weary now, might have a lie in tomorrow.

We'll see.

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