
By OnMyWaytoWork


Next door's cow shed.

I have been giving you a rarified look at Pennine Lancashire. This shot hints at the haphazard constructions that litter the landscape. Everything is joined together with plastic and twine, and is Heath Robinson. In the extreme.

Still, it has a certain charm. Especially in the summer time.

(Her cows are called Daisy and Buttercup. They don't lack imagination here, let me tell you. A few yards from here there are a few shacks and sheds and allotments. One such belonged to a chap who scandalised the neighbourhood by staying with his wife but having a second family with a half and half week each arrangement. I make no judgement - I only met the second family and they seemed lovely, and he clearly adored his young children. Sadly, he was found dead in his shed about 4 years ago, having suffered a heart attack. As I wandered round taking photos tonight, I thought of him and remembered him - fondly, as it happens.)

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