
By ishaan03

Tom’s leaving do

My colleague Tom has his last day today but before that celebration begins. I had my own situation going on. Seeing an internal role that I have been keen for in the Data Science and Innovation team, I felt that I wanted apply and be a part of. As this is an internal role, it meant that I had to inform the manager before applying. All this had me thinking - 1. Will the relationship between my manager and me change? 2. What's the worst thing that could happen? 3. What would happen if I get rejected? All of these thoughts prevented me from applying before. Mentors:  Rohan, Andras, Sanjana, Ross, Glenn and Cecilia pushed me to apply for it. Andras was the only one who sort of understood how much I hate workplace conflict, given that it is so unnecessary. I eventually managed to apply.

Later, I logged off and went with Ceclia on the tram. She got off early and I headed to Tom's leaving do. It was a fun night out with Tom, Murray, Jeremy (my manager) and Yen. Lot of laughs and some post work (and not required) conversations with manager on my project.

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