
By Missycat

It's Flower Friday!

It's Flower Friday so where better to go than to a garden centre!  I have as my main pic a phone photo of one of the many flowers being worked by a bee (I can't  identify the flower I'm afraid) and in Extras a small collage of some of the many flowers that we saw today.
I've also included in Extras a shot of my alternative flower, Violet wearing a pair of batwings on her head.  To tell the truth, our main purpose in visiting the garden centre was so that Violet could visit the Halloween decoration area where we spent quite a lot of money; Violet's bedroom is now decorated, rather far in advance, for her favourite occasion and downstairs we have a light up glass pumpkin that I could not resist and something for Stella_Rose....
Thank you to BikerBear for her continued hosting of FF:  she will be pleased to know,no doubt that we did manage to buy some plants!

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