Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

We were very excited this morning when Mr. & Mrs. HCB told us that we were going to be having visitors - not just one or two but four - three girls and their Mum.  Most Sundays at Church, Mrs. HCB chats with the girls and one especially because she likes writing, and in fact, has written a book!  Not bad going for a 7 year old!

The original plan was that the girls would come and spend the afternoon with us and the HCBs so that their Mum and Dad could go out for the afternoon together, but Dad is away for the weekend on a “Stag Do” for Jonny, another friend from Church who is getting married in a couple of weeks, so he wasn't with us.  Of course, Mr. HCB was due to be away at cricket, but as the match has been abandoned, he is here with us all, so he kept us all in order.

We really enjoyed having the girls and their Mum over especially as the girls brought some of their Gang to meet us all.  We did some colouring, made cards, played Bagatelle and generally had fun together.  Mrs. HCB even bought some yummy chocolate rolls and cake for us all to enjoy and then she surprised us by getting some mini Vienetta ice cream lollies out of the freezer - which of course, we shared with the girls.  

You can see us all enjoying our afternoon - and the bottom shot shows us playing on a very old Bagatelle board, which Mr. HCB used to play on when he was about 5 or 6 years old so that shows how old it is!  We think that dear Admirer would have giggled to see us all playing that and when we added up the scores, Mr. HCB won but it was quite a close competition!  However, we did all laugh and this certainly would have made Admirer giggle even more, when Mr. HCB got an alarm on his watch to warn him that the noise level was 90 decibels - that was when everyone was playing Bagatelle, so you can imagine how much noise they were making!

We know we probably don’t need to remind you to BE KIND - but we will, just in case some of you forget - we have all been kind to one another today and had lots of fun - see you all next week!

Love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang and all our friends with their Gang too xxx

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