
By SparseRunner


With a forecast of beautiful weather, after giving Django a short walk, A and I drove over to North Berwick, where there was to be a sea rowing regatta. A wasn't rowing, but was keen to hang out with her club, and they got the chance to meet Django (and me). 

After taking in some of the atmosphere on the beach (see extra) I went for a walk along the coast to Tantallon Castle. I've visited it (and North Berwick) many times, but always driven between them, so there was an appeal in linking them up on foot. 

There was some pretty coastal scenery (see extras), with views out to the Bass Rock, as the path alternated between sandy beaches and grassy headlands, getting quieter as we went further from the town. Walking also gave me this unfamiliar view as I approached the Castle. After exploring the castle with Django (see extra), I messaged A, who was ready to leave, and she picked me up from the car park.

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