Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Bellingham Show

The weather was perfect for the show today. There was mist at first, but it burned off very quickly and then we had wall to wall sunshine.

I arrived at 0815 and left at 1545. The show was not over, but I was really tired. I had been on my feet almost all day.

I had a lovely tag to wear saying "Official Photographer". The advantage was that I could go into show rings or pens to take photos. (I also had entry to the VIP tent, with drinks and lunch on offer.)

Like the other shows I go to, this one was full of people determined to enjoy themselves.

Joan won 2nd place for an embroidery she did under Mum's tutelage, so she was very pleased.

I have hundreds of images to trawl through but I'm going to add two extras. One is a drummer in the Newcastle Pipe Band. She made sure that she enjoyed every minute of their performance. The other is one of the monster trucks about to land heavily and crush some old cars.

Of course there are images of horse riders, sheep handlers, dog owners,  Cumbrian wrestlers, classic cars, etc., etc. I hope you enjoy these.

I am almost too tired to type!!

While I was at the show, Maureen phoned to say that Brian had died during the night. This was expected and a welcome release for him, but I will miss him. He and Maureen had a late marriage and made the best of every minute until ill health affected them both.

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