
By NotCuthbert

Inaccessible Fruit

I was told by BrambleBlossom that there blackberries to pick in the park, so off I went. There is a big patch next to a path, which meant a lot of the easy fruit had already gone.  The other issue I found was there  were lots of nettles and bindweed mixed in with the brambles. My first hour wasn't great,  but I went around the back of the patch and found better pickings.

I picked for another hour or so, and when I got home and washed and weighed them, I had picked over 2 kg of blackberries. If I ignore the scratches and nettles stings then I'm quite pleased.

My Blip is of the ones that got away. Some of the brambles were 3 cms in girth, and some areas totally unreachable.  

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