In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Car trouble

What a day, ladies and gentlemen.
What a day.
Started off when I was driving home from work just after midnight last night, when the warning lights on my dashboard lit up like a Xmas tree.
I feared the worst.
Sure enough, after just 2 hours sleep, anxious you know, I started looking online for a replacement vehicle.
In the morning I had to get the troublesome car towed into Aberdeen to the Honda dealership.
Sure enough after inspection and trouble shooting, my worse case scenario was brought to the fire.
So I now have a new car, well not brand new, and less money than I had.
I don't get it until next week, so I am now on gardening leave until then.

So after a very long and tiring day, we decided to have a take away from one of our local Chinese establishments.
Knackered doesn't even begin to describe it.

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