
By bluesheep

Adam turns 24

No, this is not him. But we had a great dinner at Ago, some amazing tiramisu from Whole Foods, and truly great company to celebrate one of my best friend's 24th year on this planet. Went back to Matthew's for candles and wishes to go with the cake, and Wes played a little guitar (pictured above). It was a great day. Got home late so posting this today.

Another one of my favorite experiments yet to make an appearance on blip until today is to underexpose things so dramatically that they appear solid black. Then I do some serious levels adjusting to reveal some detail captured in that blackness. There is such little light captured and information from the CCD is so amplified, that the CCD grain becomes the main feature of the shot. This one, believe it or not, actually has a bit too much definition. I like it when it's even more grainy and slightly less defined. Didn't underexpose this quite enough.

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