My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Duh-duh-dur dur-duh

Finally time for another of Louisa's birthday presents and this one was Aaron's present of a family trip to an outdoor showing of Jurassic Park at Attingham Park. Unfortunately neither of the boys wanted a photo, more interested in having lunch*.

It was really nice and -importantly- the weather was fine. We took a picnic and then bought doughnuts, pizza, and ice cream treats. Owen and me did a bit of Spiderman vs T Rex playing and I hadn't realised how much screaming there really was until I went to the toilet and could only hear the'd think it was a full on horror film. We'll definitely have to do this again.

I did vaguely try and photoshop the Jurassic Park logo onto the screen behind us but it looked incredibly obvious. 

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