
By MumOf4Wildlings


I actually thought the birthday party the wildlings had been invited too was next Sunday. But nope it was today. It was doctor themed.  Xander's girlfriend wants to be a doctor when she's older. It was lovely for them all to have a different kind of birthday party. And all games were hospital themed. They had a great time. It was the longest two hours of my life. I took a cushion with me. 

Since being home I haven't done much.  A lovely friend sent me some watercolour pencils so I've actually sketched something out that I'll paint. I haven't painted anything since starting my job. 

Another lovely friend came round for a catch up and brought me a murder book and a lovely plant. Even though she knows my success rate on keeping plants alive.  

The no sleeping at night time is killing me. I'm not a happy bunny. Apologies that I've still neglected blip. 

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