Another Day

By BlackTulip


We had a lazy start to the day, in fact it’s mostly been very lazy.  The temperature is pleasant and even in our now shady garden it’s pleasantly warm.  It is still windy but not on the patio.

A treecreeper comes in every day and a wren and robin are pottering about.  The great and blue tits nip in and out and the wasps are still collecting water.  The bees are also happily feeding on the scabious.

The highlight of my day has been rescuing this elderly speckled wood from the conservatory and it sat happily on my thumb whilst I took a few pictures.  Unfortunately my arm wasn’t long enough to get all of it in view.

Extra of a bumblebee on the scabious.

ps. I forgot.  I changed the bedding.  Washed and dried.

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