The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I took Murphy to the vet today for a post-surgery check up. The vet (who is Spanish) examined Murphy and said he’s happy with how everything is healing. He was chatting me through when Murphy can start having longer walks when he had a lightbulb moment and started laughing.

“Eees he the one with thee octopoooos?”

“Yep, this is him”

He was properly laughing and then started doing an impression with his hands of pulling out lots of things - like a magician doing a trick where they pull endless handkerchiefs!

“There was just soooo much,” he said when he’d finished (still laughing).

You always think that vets have probably seen it all before but it would appear that Murphy really is special!


PS This is EMP’s picture!

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