
By pandcjane

Evenings Drawing In

I took this at 8.22 (apparently) and it's already dark. Another busy day with little achieved. Let me see: Cleaner said that sadly they couldn't make it so I spent some time wielding the vacuum cleaner. I would have steam cleaned the floor too but I ran out of vim. I was able to arrange taking a large rug to the tip. I am sure that it had some sort of moth infestation and that is the last thing I need (after flies and rats). I picked a load more tomatoes and then peeled, cooked and jarred (is that even a word?) 8 jars of tomato sauce. The will come in handy, apart from taking up fridge space. This took a surprising amount of time. I also managed 3 loads of washing - all dry - its been hot. BUT apart from the tomato sauce, these are all "hygiene" activities I feel so I can hardly list as achievements!

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