
By Number147


I had the pleasure of meeting the newborn twins that I made the little cardigans for. 

The 5 day old twins were 5lbs something & 6lbs something. So they are very little.

I was surprised to be invited in because I hadn't actually met the mum, Georgia, before.  They moved in after F's accident so I hadn't properly had the opportunity to get to know her. Although I had met Jon.

Georgia told me her mum died three weeks ago so didn't meet her grandsons. And she had a little weep. Oh my goodness! It was an emotional 10 minutes. She let me hug her. The babies were unbelievably beautiful.

The fair is on The Green, hence my photograph. Not quite seasonal.

It's been drizzly all morning and rained heavily overnight. I've winter squash and blue pumpkins growing on the slope into the cutting. They will have enjoyed a good soak.

In other news, Lucy fell on slippery concrete this morning. She's broken both her right arm and elbow. Isaac is at the hospital with her. What a nuisance. It sounds like agony.

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