
By WharfedaleBex

Tour de Normandie

I planned this route before coming out, thinking it would feel easy just to be able to start pedalling with no planning required. I’ve been watching the weather and today looked a touch miserable with great swathes of rain moving over the region. But I wanted the dizzy accolade of my 100km virtual badge out of the way early so I could put my feet up for a month!

Last night, I could see a weather window and it wasn’t looking as bad generally. So, bed early, up early. I was out just as the sun was rising but I didn’t get to see it appear above the cloud on the horizon for another half an hour or so.

This was my first French feeling so I’m recording this one over quite a few other potential moments including the cemetery of German soldiers, the butter factory behind twee houses, a very pretty harbour, an old Tour de France sign and even a spider.

The last fifteen miles were the hillier part and although not by Yorkshire standards, were still tiring, maybe because of the lack of cycling I’ve done in the last few weeks.

On a long drag, I spotted a leggy beastie crawling in my path and swerved to avoid it, hoping my back wheel didn’t swerve back too early. I jumped off to find it mooching into the grass and realised it was my first wasp spider - almost big enough to put his arm in my spokes to stop me. That big fella gave me the buzz I needed for the last few miles home.

I’ve since enjoyed a campsite feel - shower, fed, clothes washed and drying, and sorting out tomorrow’s plan.

Oh, and it only ever really spat with rain - bonus!

Added sweetcorn to my fish and rice dish today. Supermarket definitely tomorrow!

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