A moment in time

By Skyegirl


It has been a very miserable day and has rained constantly.  It was very misty in the morning as I walked to country dancing class, just before the rain started, but from then on it rained pretty well constantly.  However, we had a good morning and all enjoyed being back together.  The dances were mostly easy, which was good as I haven't danced all summer.

Yesterday C picked our plums, our tree has been very prolific this year, last year we had 2 plums, but this year we have had almost 3 kilos of plums.  C has had some, and we have some just to eat, but I have blipped the ones that I have been processing this afternoon, to put in the freezer for future months.  Lots of plum crumble etc.  They are very sweet and require little sugar.

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