Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips


We had granddaughter Amelia overnight and she kept us busy until she fell asleep about 10pm, and was awake just after 7am this morning. So much for hoping she'd sleep a bit later so we could have a lay in!

We were busy until mid afternoon, cutting paper, drawing and whatever else she wanted to do, so happy she refused the offer of us taking her out for dinner or anywhere else! We did stop at the ancient Monnow Bridge, Monmouth (South Wales, UK) on the way to drop her home.  The photo's shows her and Mrs BB feeding the many ducks and swans and other wildlife!

She's back in school tomorrow. These school summer holidays are far too long!

Lens used:  VM Voigtlander Nokton 40mm F1.2 (manual focus)

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