An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Whatever gets you through the night...

I was awake at 4am again.  It's becoming tedious. Thank heavens for a new word game I downloaded the other night.  Keeps boredom at bay.   Finally dozed off  just after 7am, which was frustrating as my alarm was set for 7.45am.  I don't remember switching it off but I must have as I woke with a start and was shocked to see it was 10.25am!  On the bright side I was just in time for Pop Master.  Great scores for me today, 33 & 30!  I usually get anything between 3 & 18 so was very chuffed.

By the time I showered, dressed and tidied the bedroom, I'd missed breakfast completely and went straight to lunch.  More time working on the thistle this afternoon.  It's still frustrating me but it's slowly taking shape the more layers I add.  I will finish it but think I may be tempted to have another go on literally, a clean slate :-)

Did achieve one good thing today...a tidy up of the cupboard in the studio.  It's been annoying me for a long time, particularly the shelves that hold the mounts, backing boards and plastic protectors.  They are now all sorted by size and stored in individual folders to keep them dust and dent free.  A great feeling of satisfaction on completion.  

Alan's PA Vickie brought in a home made chocolate brownie for me.  She is a fabulous baker and I can honestly say I think it's one of the best chocolate brownies I've ever tasted and I told her so.  Well turns out it was her teenage son who made them.  He clearly has inherited her baking talent.

Keith and Mairi are visiting tomorrow afternoon for coffee and scones.  Poor Keith has missed the Spanish golf trip this year due to recent surgery and is feeling a bit sorry for himself.  I am all organised and the tray is set, crockery looked out,  I just have to make the scones in the morning and have them coming out of the oven just before they arrive.  Hopefully that will cheer Keith up :-)

OMG!  Vickie has just let our a blood curdling scream!  I thought something had happened with Alan and rushed through, only to find her hoovering up a massive (and I mean MASSIVE) spider!  The hoover has now been shut in the boot room for Blake to empty in the morning!  


Oh and emergency flower blip for today.  The pic I took of my tidy cupboard pleases me but won't inflict it on you!  :-))

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