Further my skills

By H0tamer

Continuing story

We had the feeling today, that we hadn't done much on our project. Okay, D. had to go shopping and was back before me, who went for a 10k steps walk with Caspar (counting my steps, not his).
But the two raised beds asked quite some time to get assembled. First of all, all bigger parts were covered in a thin plastic layer, sticking properly. Then each bed came in 16 different parts, assembled using 64 bolts+screws, 56 nuts, 56 washers. The material is not too thick, meaning unlike IKEA cabinets all sides are wabbly and don't fit exactly. For instance I had to use a think screw driver in a hole to pull the sides together and to be able to put a bolt in the holes.

And then we set them where we planned them to be. The 4 poles (2 blue, 2 orange) indicate where a greenhouse (still to be built) will come. We have to rethink the size of it, now that we know how much room is left.

The ramp will also need some thoughts. Perhaps I will need to remove (a part of) a palisade. Currently it is probably a tripping point.

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