Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Poorly Puppy.

We went out for our early morning walk.

Molly was full of beans as usual.

Then on the way back, she stopped and wouldn't go any further.  I thought she might want to go to the toilet, but she wouldn't do anything.

So, I picked her up and carried her back home.

We then thought she might be constipated.  But a trip to the garden proved that idea wrong.

She moped around all day, she just couldn't settle.

We started getting really worried when she wouldn't walk down the stairs and just sat there whimpering, until I carried her down.

We then realised she couldn't lay down comfortably on one side, so think she must've down something to her leg.

She's eating and drinking okay, but not interested in playing with her toys.

I'll see how she is tomorrow and whether I need to take her to the vets or not.

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