
By rmeinz

It came from outer space.

Quite literally in this case, as it's a small piece of iron meteorite that landed in Arizona, USA, 20 - 40,000 years ago.
For any blip geologists, its structural class is: coarse octahedrite 0g, widmanstatten bandwidth 2.0 +/_  5mm.
Its chemical class is: group 1: 7.1%Ni, 0.46% Co, 0.26% P, about 1% C, 1%S, 80ppm Ga, 320ppm Ge, 1.9ppm Ir.
Tonight's homework is: Discuss the pros and cons of zircon encrusted tweezers, with particular reference to Mr. F. Zappa. 

Many thanks to McCaviti for hosting. 

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