Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Impassive Punky

My Dear Princess or Dear Fellow,

Today was marked by Punky causing us concern. 

He didn't wake me up at 5am as is usual and was still in bed by 6:30. 

He didn't seem interested in anything, definitely not in food or drink.

Understandably, we were concerned. He is around 15 years old, which is getting on for a cat.

Caro and me took him to the vet who administered anti-nausea and a laxative and took a whole bunch of blood tests. The tests didn't show much other than he's showing signs of very early renal failure (but we've known about this for years - up to now it's been a very gradual decline).

After the trauma of the visit, Punky returned to his bed and stayed there for the rest of the evening. 


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