Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Passive Punky

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I was pretty upset this morning, the vet had told us she expected Punky to improve yesterday evening, but by this morning he had barely moved. 

I got up sadly and fed Jasper. 

And ten minutes later, Punky appeared!

He was acting scared - understandably - and still didn't want to eat. But it was good to see him up and about. He took me to the bathroom - one of his favourite places - and although I couldn't get him to drink out of his water bowl, he would drink if I poured water out of his watering can. 

(Having us pour water out of the can into the bath is his favourite game).

It wasn't a lot, but a positive sign. By lunchtime, he even ate a very small amount of roast chicken. 

By the end of the day, he was still only eating a little, drinking a little and being a little bit more active. 

It's a small positive sign, and I'm still worried about him, but I'm feeling positive that he is on the mend. Paws crossed.


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