
By MarilynParker

Sunny day

Ideal day for washing and we had plenty of it that needed doing. It all dried well outside.
The hibiscus is full of flowers and the flowers are full of bees. The photo was of the nearest one when I had the phone to hand.
Other than pegging out and bringing in washing, I've done some cleaning (upstairs).
I'm mithered to bits with my medications at present. I mustn't take some at the same time and must not take antacids 2 hours before or after some while others need to be 12 hours apart and yet more need to be taken with food to minimise side effects plus some must not be taken at the same time as each other. It's filling my head!
I woke up this morning feeling dizzy and it persisted to lunchtime, which was weird. I checked my BP and it was fine, my pulse was fine but the oxygen levels were a bit on the low side at 91%. Not sure the oxygen level was anything to do with it; my nose is stuffed up so I think maybe I might have a touch of the sinus problem (which I've had before). Anyway, the dizzy feeling began to ease off and eventually went altogether. I've been feeling a bit sickly at times too - which may be the antibiotic or the iron! 

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