That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Tiny Tuesday

For the challenge of 'Mineral/crystal' I have chosen a souvenir from a holiday in 2016, when we visited the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan, USA, an area renowned for its copper deposits.

This is a sample box from the Calumet and Hecla Mining Co., individually numbered, where a small sample of mineral deposit would be sent for analysis to determine the copper content. This is numbered 34 933; my analytical mind suspects that the 34 might refer to a particular mine or deposit and the sample the 933rd from there - but I may be wrong, after all it is 100 years old. Among many others it was rescued from the former C&H Lab in Lake Linden. 

The copper decoration is added for the souvenir market and represents the area of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Keweenaw being the 'crest' at the top. The box measures 5.5cm diameter, 2.5 cm in height, photographed on a copper tray. (I really, really must post my blips from that holiday!).

As an extra I have an example of what I believe to be copper mineral, found on the island of Rhodes. This is not a tiny example, 9 cm at its longest but, whatever it really is, it stood out among anything else on the west coast there.

Thanks to McCavity for hosting this month's Tiny Tuesday

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