
By MrsK277

The before.....

Busy day. Dropped Carlys present off. Covid in the house so didn't stop. They've booked their wedding for 5th April 25. Wonderful news.
Went on to drop a card to Carrie's Zachary as he's passed all the processes to get into flight school next year, but then they were in, so stopped for coffee and chat. 
I then packed before heading over to Charlotte's for lunch with her and Annette. She'd put on an amazing spread and we sat in the garden chatting for a couple of hours. I felt bad leaving earlier as she'd gone to so much trouble, but MrK had the day off and was itching to leave for Norfolk. When we arrived, the garden certainly looked like we hadn't been there for 6 weeks. Oh dear! I did a little weeding into a beautiful evening. T has now got my number if he feels like he's not coping, MrK thought it was a good idea to have a bit of a lifeline. He's very concerned for his mental state. Good to hear later he had taken our advice and walked to Maldon and enjoyed it. He thinks he might try parkrun there.
Very contented and peaceful this evening.

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