
By SparseRunner


Today started early, leaving the house at 06:40 to get to the airport. Since the IT system hadn't failed, it was the usual swift passage through security, and I was eating breakfast there at 08:30, two hours before my flight to Boston. 

I don't like taking transatlantic flights for various reasons, but this one had the benefit of being direct to my destination. Unfortunately it took ages to get from the airport to my accommodation. I'm not someone who hops into a taxi, as I believe in using public transport. However the bus suggested by Google was clearly late - I'd checked with another driver that I was in the right place. Suggested plan B was to take the airport shuttle, then the blue subway - but that wasn't running today. The silver bus line took me to a red subway station, but I needed the orange - one stop away, so I walked, only to find that the orange line was affected by signalling problems. I rode one stop, and gave up after it waited 15 minutes in the station. 

This left me with a 30-minute walk, but I had an imminent online meeting - that had seemed easy to attend from my accommodation. Fortunately an Irish pub had WiFi, so I had a beer and a chat with collaborators in New Zealand and California. 

I'm now in my cool and quiet bedroom....

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